I love him...
so fucking much, I acually don't know what to do anymore.
I can't live without him. It feels like my life is nothing without him.
I hate feelings!! I really hate them right now.
Why do i have to love him? why do he have to be the sweetest guy in this entire world.
Why do he has to be the perfect boy i know.
And why do i have to love him?
I dont wanna love him. I dont wanna feel like this. I wanna feel something else.
With someone else. I know that he dosen't wanna be with me in the same way that i wanna be with him. I really wanna move on. But I can't.. My feelings are way to strong.
I love him with all of my heart. And i really don't know what i should do?
right now i just wanna kill myself so this feelings could stop.
I'll never get rid of these feelings.
I gave him my heart 13 months ago.. he still has it. And i know that he's gonna have it for a really long time.. Maybee for a eternity...
Please just give us a chance... i can't ask for more...i really cant.. this is the only wish i have.. the only thing i'm dreaming of.. to be with you. For a life time. Cause you are the one i wanna be with, the one i wanna live with.
I'm nothing without him...